Rapid Return To Work And Play
‘Certified Athletic Therapists (CAT(C)s) are experts in treating injuries to the musculoskeletal system (muscles, bones, and joints), including injury prevention, assessment, emergency and acute care, rehabilitation and re-conditioning.’
With the help of an Athletic Therapist; you will minimize the time lost at work or play when you are injured or receiving surgery; correct your bio mechanics before that nagging injury gets you down; begin your first outing of the season with confidence your body can handle it; and extend your quality of life years.
Current rates are $90 plus GST, for 50 minute follow up appointments and $125 plus GST, for 75 minute initial assessments in clinic.
**All appointments are 1 on 1 with your Athletic Therapist, clients are not booked in overlapping time slots**
Please bring shorts, unless it is an upper body injury, socks, and indoor 'athletic' shoes.
We do not currently direct bill extended benefit plans. You will be provided with a receipt that
includes the Athletic Therapist's Certification #, as well as their Registered Kinesiologist #.
This may be required if you have extended benefits coverage.
If your extended benefits plan does not include Athletic Therapy or Kinesiology, please see the button below.
Thorough history / assessment, manual therapy, fascia techniques, progressive loading, and massage.
Are you dealing with a nagging chronic injury that hasn't resolved on it's own? Have you just had a damaging tumble or fall? Do you have a surgery date, and are looking to proactively maximize your recovery, both before and after going under the knife?
We will take an active and detail oriented approach to therapy, every time. No cookie cutter plans are handed out. Don't ask what you will be doing at your next appointment. One can't know that until you arrive, and we know where your starting line is, on that day.
Bio mechanical corrections, strength training, and warm up / cool down education.
Are you looking ahead to maintain your quality of life years? Did you hurt yourself in the gym from repetitions with questionable form? Have you always wanted to get into strength training, but don't know where to start?
Our bodies depreciate more from lack of use than lack of youth. With proper guidance and intelligent demand alterations, we can help maintain your health, and minimize risk of injury.
Movement training, program design, nutrition guidance, and weight management.
Want to impress at training camp? Are you willing to commit to a healthier you? Do you have a big trip into the mountains planned? Want to learn how to train specifically for your sport?
Let us help you make sense of all the information floating around the health / fitness industry. If you have a goal in mind, no matter the 'field' of play, we will provide you the means to achieve.